High quality products guaranteed and certified


GLOBALGAP: Certification delle Good Agricolture Practices

The 25th Juin 2007, Zerbinati’s family obtained the GLOBALGAP certification from CSQA, corporation of quality certification.





GLOBALGAP protocol defines the GAP (Good Agricultural Pratice) of essential elements for the best practice development applying to farms, cultivations, fresh fruit and vegetables, stock-farming. GLOBALGAP (Global Retailer Produce Working Group) is an organisation formed by the most important European retailers. GLOBALGAP wants to support the marketing of agricultural products respecting a common protocol able to guarantee:

• safe productions for the consumer

• controlled traceability

• respect for the environment ( court story and administration, waste management)

• protection of workers health

• product (plant protection products, irrigation techniques, cultures protection, after harvesting treatment)


GLOBALGAP protocol defines the requisites that fruit and vegetables suppliers have to respect. Zerbinati’s farm guarantees in particular:

1. product traceability

2. control of records

3. different types of certified rootstocks

4. location of industry, court story and administration

5. land administration

6. proper fertilizing

7. irrigation systems

8. biological integrated protection

9. controlled harvesting and storage

10. after harvesting procedures

11. waste management

12. aspects of the work environment

13. right environmental aspects

14. management of reclamations

15. internal inspections checks


The farm produces all its products following HACCP rules. HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) is a method of hygienic self-control and its aim is to protect consumers health. HACCP system used by Zerbinati’s farm is an organized and systematic approach able to construct, realize or improve the guarantee of microbiological, physical, chemical quality of foodstuffs. The principles on which is based the HACCP elaboration plan of Zerbinati’s farm are:

a) analysis of potential microbiological risks for foodstruffs

b) individuation of the points in which there could be risks for foodstuff

c) decisions to take about critical microbiological points, i.e. those points that can be bad for the safety of products

d) individuation and application of control procedures and critical points guard

e) periodical examination of critical points and of control and guard procedures ( on the occasion of variations of product and kind of activity as well)


The method used by Zerbinati’s farm starts from the research of every danger that could turn up whether during the productive phases and during all the phases following the harvest which are coordinated and verified by OP SERMIDE ORTOFRUIT to which the company confers the product. Zerbinati examines each phase, so that he could be able to identify the critical points for the hygiene of the product for adopting, in case, the right prevention methods.